Welcome to the Growing Farm Profits for Livestock Course

An introductory webinar overview of the 2019 SSAWG Short Course

Due to popular demand we have expanded the scope of the Growing Farm Profits program to include livestock and the Livestock Compass tool. Southern SAWG and our partners developed the Growing Farm Profits program in 2011 in an effort to help farmers get to the heart of profitability on their diversified vegetable farms. The results:

  • 500+ farmers, future farmers and farm service providers have participated

  • Feedback shows a positive impact on farm profitability 

The webinar below was developed to provide an overview of the new livestock course to assist livestock producers get a better handle on managing their livestock operations for profitability. Comprehensive use of this new Livestock Compass tool will be introduced at the 2019 SSAWG Conference in Little Rock, AR. 

While this tool will be valuable to all livestock producers, those who raise multiple species of livestock and sell through multiple markets stand to gain the most.

Webinar is made possible with generous support from the Southern SARE program.

Welcome to Our Online Course

This online course below was originally developed for farmers and those who help farmers to build more sustainable farming enterprises. The content has a vegetable production slant, yet many concepts/principles will be informative to other producers.

Materials shared are presented in our popular Growing Farm Profits classroom trainings and provide a range of resources that were developed with input from farmers.

Online Couse Components:

We encourage you to share these farmer-friendly tools widely to assist in benefiting others with farm financial management.  If you have other helpful tools to share, please email us at Southern SAWG. Our intention is to continue to add to this body of resources, as funding permits.


Jean Mills, Program Manager for Southern Sustainable Agriculture Working Group, led the development of this Growing Farm Profits online course with help from Ellen Polishuk and Jim Munsch. Thank you to Southern Risk Management Education Center for the funding to develop our Growing Farm Profits classroom training and this online course.