2020 Conference Menu

Our 2020 Sponsors

About the Conference

Full Conference Program

Poster Abstracts

Session Recordings
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Thank You!

Thank you to all who participated in this event, led sessions, hosted field trips, facilitated sessions, provided scholarship funds, donated door prizes, displayed posters, and exhibited in the trade show. Thank you, also, to those who coordinated these activities!

Conference Recap

  • Our keynote was by Dr. Laura Lengnick, Climate Change, Resilience and the Future of Food. As a farmer, you have to be so nimble these days. Consider these “Below the Headlines” climate impacts: More variable temperatures and rainfall, warmer winters, hot summer nights, more pests and disease pressures, and interference in crop fertilization. Lengnick’s keynote address offered resilient thinking ideas to move us and the U.S. food system forward.

  • Poster authors had the chance to win a cash award for best poster presentation. (See poster abstracts.) And there was a People’s Choice award for the first time this year..

  • The trade show mixer was a huge success. The seed exchange is always a highlight with attendees. The trade show was open to the public on both Friday and Saturday for a nominal fee of $10 per day, and over 80 locals took advantage of the opportunity to visit our sponsors and vendors.

We’ve already found a few of the presentations on Slideshare! Just go to the site and search by presenter’s name or topic. Or, try Southern SAWG or SSAWG.

Photo Galleries

In the Trade Show

A Few Conference Highlights

Closing Mixer